Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Automating Passwordless Access

Assuming you have generated rsa keys (ssh-keygen) and assuming that ssh-copy-id is NOT working for you...

Here's the command:
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh -p 22 <login>@<dest> "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys";
Where <login> is your username and <dest> is the server to which you're sending the public key.

OR, if you do this often, create

To run it:
chmod +x
./ <login> <dest>

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Android: 'Insufficient Storage Available'

I HATE this message. But this article has helped me to resolve it.

I'm tired of removing apps so I can install another one, when I know there's ample space for them.

Finally, I've had enough; thanks, Google, IT World, and Kevin Purdy:

There is a kind of clean-sweep method of wiping out the cache on all your apps at once. You'll have to clear enough space for it, of course, but if you can fit the 1.31 MB App Cache Cleaner on your Android, you'll free up much more space in return. It's an ad-supported product, with occasional pop-ups. But ignore whatever goofy game it wants you to install, look at the "Total" count in the upper-right corner, and then click the big green "Clean" button at the bottom. That's a bit more space, so try installing that app that wouldn't fly once more.

I'm in love with my Android again.